Evaluation of breast cancer in women under 50 in a Mastology service in the Federal District, Brazil



breast neoplasms, mammography, mass screening, early cancer detection


Introduction: Breast cancer is a relevant public health issue, and its incidence has increased in patients aged less than 50 years. This population usually receives a late diagnosis, which contributes with the poor prognosis of the condition.Objective: To assess the percentage of patients diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50 and compare them with the group that was diagnosed after the age of 50. Results: The general mean age was 54 years; 75.68% of the patients were younger than 50 years, aged between 40 and 49 years. Among the ones who were younger than 50, 35.14% were in stage T4; 55.41% underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy; 16.22% presented distant metastasis; and 10.81%, locoregional metastasis. On the other hand, among those aged more than 50, 22.71% were in stage T4; 30.68% underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy; 11.36% presented distant metastasis; and 6.82%, locoregional metastasis. Conclusion: Breast cancer in women aged less than 50 years in a Mastology service in the Federal District has been a matter of concern, for presenting more advanced tumors at the time of diagnosis; screening is still debatable. 


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How to Cite

Vilela, A. C. L., Veras, L. P. C., Ramos, S. E. P., Souza, S. M. de P., & Souza, S. M. de P. (2021). Evaluation of breast cancer in women under 50 in a Mastology service in the Federal District, Brazil. Mastology, 31, 1–6. Retrieved from https://revistamastology.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/306



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