
  • Renato Nascimento da Costa Instituto Nacional do Câncer
  • Flávia Leite Souza Santos Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto
  • Rodrigo do Tocantis Calado Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto
  • Margarida de Oliveira Pinho Instituto Nacional do Câncer
  • Simone Santos Peniche Rebouças Instituto Nacional do Câncer
  • Bárbara de Queiroz Gadelha Instituto Nacional do Câncer


Women’s health, breast neoplasms, blood group antigens, isoantibodies


Objective: To describe the erythrocyte alloimmunization profile of women diagnosed with breast cancer at the National Cancer Institute, based on a comparison between routine antibody and irregular enzyme techniques. Methods: Experimental and prospective study with the application of human antiglobulin techniques and enzymatic technique in the search for irregular antibodies in pretransfusion tests of women with breast cancer treated at the hemotherapy service of Hospital do Câncer III, between June 2015 and May 2016. The variables were compared using Pearson’s χ2 test or G-test, when indicated. Results: 429 cases were included. Of the total, 8 (1.86%) presented positive antibody screening test in routine human antiglobulin technique, while 32 (7.6%) were observed in the enzymatic technique. Significant differences were observed between alloimmunized and non-alloimmunized patients regarding ethnicity, RhD classification, transfusion history and alloantibody incidence time. Conclusion: The application of the enzymatic technique is proposed as a routine method in patients with breast cancer, as a way of avoiding transfusion reactions and ineffective phenotype transfusions.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. N. da, Santos, F. L. S., Calado, R. do T., Pinho, M. de O., Rebouças, S. S. P., & Gadelha, B. de Q. (2017). ANALYSIS OF THE ERYTHROCYTE ALLOIMMUNIZATION PROFILE OF WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER AT THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. Mastology, 27(2), 102–108. Retrieved from



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