Breast neoplasm, mammaplasty, educationAbstract
The reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery is a major breakthrough for the treatment of women fighting cancer. An advantage for the patient is the reduction of surgical treatment to one professional, besides the psychological and aesthetic relief of having her breast comfortably reconstructed by the doctor who is already accompanying her in the treatment of the disease. Considering the advances in oncological breast surgery, fhe ideal surgical procedure is one that achieves local control of the disease by maintaining the symmetry of the breast with immediate reconstruction. Plastic surgery techniques can be used in breast cancer surgery. The original focus is on improving the quality of life of oncological patients undergoing treatments that may be more effective in the aesthetic and functional point of view from the perspective of traditional techniques of breast conservation. Formation and training of professionals able to treat breast cancer is an innovative concept that brings discussions to the scientific community. Specific studies are required to standardize oncoplastic training. Training in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery also brings about new perspectives of surgical research related to aesthetic results, quality of life and local control, as well as the optimization of operative time, reducing adverse effects and costs. This study aimed to evaluate the main existing techniques, the training time for specialization in the context of Brazilian reality and whether it is necessary to change the current training model. This review is based on the conviction shown in other publishing studies (in press), which demonstrate the best way and the best work load for the improvement of the mastologist regarding oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgeries.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Orivaldo Gazoto Junior, Douglas de Miranda Pires, Carolina Nazareth Valadares, Raffaela Levy Andrade

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