
  • Geraldo Antônio Cassol Prefeitura de Joinville. Mastology Service
  • Fabrício Farias Morales Maternidade Darcy Vargas. Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer
  • Mariana Luz Stocco Maternidade Darcy Vargas. Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer
  • Mariana Pimenta Pinheiro Maternidade Darcy Vargas. Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer


necrosis, breast, warfarin


Warfarin-induced skin necrosis is a rare event that generally happens within the first days of warfarin use and is due to the initial, and transitory, prothrombotic state caused by unbalanced pro and anticoagulant factors. We describe the first case of breast necrosis in a 50-year-old woman, who uses warfarin chronically, and had its anticoagulant effect enhanced by the concomitant use of diclofenac.


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How to Cite

Cassol, G. A., Morales, F. F., Stocco, M. L., & Pinheiro, M. P. (2017). BREAST NECROSIS IN A CHRONIC USER OF WARFARIN. Mastology, 27(4), 359–362. Retrieved from



Case Reports