early detection of cancer, breast neoplasms, public health policyAbstract
This research project aimed to identify strategies for implementing guidelines for early detection of breast cancer in Brazil. Regarding the specific objectives, it aimed to identify studies in the specialized literature on the difficulties and strategies for implementing the guidelines for early detection of breast cancer in the health systems of different countries; to evaluate the applicability of the results found in the Brazilian context; and to recommend priority actions in accordance with the implementation strategies of the guidelines to the organizations responsible for these processes in the public health context. A review of systematic reviews was carried out using the supporting policy relevant reviews and trial (SUPPORT) tools to assist in structuring searches and analyzing data. The databases used were PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Virtual Health Library (VHL)/Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs) and Embase from January 1, 2008 to May 1, 2018. The study of nine selected systematic reviews identified successful actions in developed and developing countries. The strategies identified were: promotion of leadership fronts committed to the implementation of the guidelines, better governance of health services close to the target audience, national mass dissemination campaign and patient navigation program.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sandra Marques Silva Gioia, Silvio Fernandes da Silva

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