Terapia hormonal e câncer de mama
Neoplasias da Mama, Menopausa, Hormônios, Uso terapêuticoAbstract
This study aimed at performing a systematic literature review and a critical analysis of the use of hormone replacement therapy associated with the risk of breast cancer. Methods: Systematic review of literature by means of databases PubMed and Periodicos Capes, in the period between 1995 and 2016, using the keywords “breast cancer”, “breast cancer risk”, “ hormone replacement therapy”, “bioidentical hormone replacement therapy”, and “natural hormone replacement therapy”. Results: The seven chosen articles demonstrated strong relationship between the incidence of breast cancer and hormonal factor; however, discrepancies among the studies were found. The WHI EP trial, LIBER- ATE trial and the HABITS trial demonstrated increased incidence and recurrence of breast cancer with hormone use, whereas the WHI E alone trial, the Stockholm trial, the DOPS study and the LIFT study obtained opposite results Conclusion: Currently, synthetic hormone therapy is controver- sial for those who have no breast cancer history, but contraindicated in survivors and those with strong risk factors for breast cancer development. The risks of using bioidentical hormones remain uncertain. In women with no risk factors, hormone therapy is suggested by a maximum of five years.
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