A new therapeutic platform for treating breast cancer

the evolution of systemic neoadjuvant treatment


  • Mario Casales Schorr Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
  • Jose Luiz Pedrin Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Porto Alegre
  • Andrei Gustavo Reginatto Hospital Femina de Porto Alegre


Neoadjuvant therapy, Endocrinotherapy, Chemotherapy, Breast neoplasms


Neoadjuvant therapy of breast cancer is related to the use of different treatment modalities prior to surgical removal of the disease. It has been accepted as an option for patients with nonmetastatic disease, because it renders inoperable tumors operable and increases the rates of breast-conserving surgery, while achieving the same long-term clinical outcomes as the adjuvant setting. The neoadjuvant strategy is being increasingly accepted as a research platform, where the biologic effects of anticancer agents can be evaluated, prognostic and predictive biomarkers can be identified, and the development of targeted agents can be accelerated. Surrogate endpoints that can predict long-term clinical outcome and are evaluable early on, such as the pathologic complete response, offer unique opportunities for prompt assessment of anticancer agents. Moreover, efforts for molecular profiling of the post-neoadjuvant residual disease may lead to a personalized therapy for breast cancer patients with early-stage high-risk disease.


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Author Biographies

Mario Casales Schorr, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre

Programa de Pós-graduação em Patologia Experimental da Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA); Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia (SBM); Serviço de Residência Médica em Mastologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Porto Alegre; Serviço de Mastologia do Hospital Ernesto Dornelles de Porto Alegre – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.

Jose Luiz Pedrin, Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Porto Alegre

Programa de Pós-graduação em Patologia Experimental da UFCSPA; SBM; Serviço de Mastologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Porto Alegre – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.

Andrei Gustavo Reginatto, Hospital Femina de Porto Alegre

Hospital Femina de Porto Alegre – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.



How to Cite

Schorr, M. C., Pedrin, J. L., & Reginatto, A. G. (2015). A new therapeutic platform for treating breast cancer: the evolution of systemic neoadjuvant treatment. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 25(1), 20–25. Retrieved from https://revistamastology.emnuvens.com.br/rbm/article/view/166



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