Breast cancer in young man with gynecomastia

case report


  • Adryana Pereira de Lima Hospital Militar de Área de Manaus
  • Lina Araújo Barbosa Instituto de Prevenção do Câncer do Ceará
  • Aline Carvalho Rocha Universitário Walter Cantídio


Neoplasms, Breast, Male, Gynecomastia, Pathology


Breast cancer in man is a rare disease, accounting for about 1% of all breast cancers. Even though similar in men and women, male cases have their peculiarities. However gynecomastia is a benign breast condition that affects more males, caused by the imbalance between the concentrations of estrogen and androgen. The incidence is 30 to 60% by pubertal age and in 90% of cases occur around the involution of 16 and 17 years. Although much evidence to suggest that the two conditions are associated, the breast cancer in man relation with gynecomastia is controversial, with simultaneous ranging from 2 to 35%. In this article, we report the case of a young male, 35 years, with gynecomastia and research diagnoses found a lump in her right breast with histopathology of breast invasive ductal carcinoma. Due to the rarity of the disease, lack of clinical trials and publications addressing the matter in men, many of the treatments are based on information about the female breast cancer. Thus considering the importance of awareness of the pathology of this case.


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Author Biographies

Adryana Pereira de Lima, Hospital Militar de Área de Manaus

Hospital Militar de Área de Manaus – Manaus (AM), Brasil.

Lina Araújo Barbosa, Instituto de Prevenção do Câncer do Ceará

Instituto de Prevenção do Câncer do Ceará – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Aline Carvalho Rocha, Universitário Walter Cantídio

Residência Médica em Mastologia do Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.



How to Cite

Lima, A. P. de, Barbosa, L. A., & Rocha, A. C. (2015). Breast cancer in young man with gynecomastia: case report. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 25(3), 103–107. Retrieved from



Case Report