Paget’s disease of the breast

experience of a university center


  • Magno Belém Cirqueira Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Leonardo Ribeiro Soares Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Marise Amaral Rebouças Moreira Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Victor Domingos Lisita Rosa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ruffo Freitas Junior Universidade Federal de Goiás


Breast neoplasms, Paget’s Disease Mammary, Survivorship (public health), Eczema


Objective: To determine the prevalence of Paget’s disease of the breast (PD) among cases of ductal carcinomas diagnosed in a university hospital between 2003 and 2007; describe clinical characteristics and analyze the survival of these cases. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, by reviewing medical records. Frequency analysis was performed for all variables and used Kaplan-Meier curve for the representation of overall survival. Results: In 278 cases of breast ductal carcinoma, 14 cases were PD determining prevalence of 5.0%. A case was excluded from analysis because of incomplete data. The mean age at diagnosis was 57.1 (±11.2) years. Of the cases analyzed, 11 (84.6%) had palpable tumor and 9 (69.3%) presented lesion of the nipple-areola complex. Only one case was not submitted to mastectomy because she died during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Radiotherapy was performed in six cases (46.2%); chemotherapy in eleven cases (84.6%); endocrinoterapia in six cases (46.2%).Immunohistochemistry identified five cases (38.5%) with expression of hormone receptors and twelve patients (92.3%) with overexpression of HER2. The overall survival of patients was 61.5 (±13.4) months, and there was no local recurrence after a mean follow-up of 75.8 months. Conclusion: There was a prevalence of Paget’s disease of the breast associated with invasive carcinomas with advanced clinical stages; which possibly resulted in overall survival rate lower than that observed in other studies for the region.


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Author Biographies

Magno Belém Cirqueira, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Hospital das Clínicas da UFG – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Leonardo Ribeiro Soares, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Setor de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da UFG – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Marise Amaral Rebouças Moreira, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Faculdade de Medicina da UFG – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Victor Domingos Lisita Rosa, Universidade de São Paulo

Setor de Oncologia Clínica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) – Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brasil.

Ruffo Freitas Junior, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Programa de Mastologia da UFG; Hospital Araújo Jorge da Associação de Combate ao Câncer.



How to Cite

Cirqueira, M. B., Soares, L. R., Moreira, M. A. R., Rosa, V. D. L., & Freitas Junior, R. (2015). Paget’s disease of the breast: experience of a university center. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 25(3), 90–96. Retrieved from



Original Article