Prevalence analysis of mammography examinations made in the public health system in the state of Acre, Amazon, Brazil, using BI-RADS® classification


  • Daniel Alvarenga Fernandes Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Samara Maria Messias da Silva Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Adriana Marinho Pereira Dapont Hospital do Câncer
  • Rogério Henriques Netto Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia
  • Lyvia Rodrigues da Silva Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre
  • Camila da Silva Vieira Amorim Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre
  • Faiane Rodrigues de Sá Universidade Federal do Acre


Mammography, classification, statistics & numeric data, Breast neoplasms, Public Health System


Objective: To analyze the prevalence of mammography examinations in the public health system in the state of Acre, Amazon, Brazil, using BI-RADS® classification. Methods: Mammogram forms of women, symptomatics or not, who were submitted to the examination in the public health system in state of Acre from January 2004 to January 2008 were studied in this transverse study of institutional basis. The qui-square test was used and the standard deviation was set of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results: The valid sample was of 7,982 mammography examinations (95.2%). The main categories in the mammography examinations were: BI-RADS® 1 = 41.1% and BI-RADS® 2 = 37.9%. The prevalence of categories BI-RADS® 4 and BI-RADS® 5 was higher in women from the capital (p = 0.009) and it increased according to the age of the patients, being more prevalent from the 40 years, mainly from the 50 years (p = 0.04) on. The main examination clinical indication or patient complaints which motivated its accomplishment were: routine (69.5%); pain (21.3%) and nodule (6.5%). Conclusion: The majority data found are in consonance with the literature although they need implementation strategies to increase a comprehensive approach and an effective early detection of breast cancer by the mammography screening.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Alvarenga Fernandes, Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Médico Residente em Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (HU/UFS), Aracaju (SE), Brasil.

Samara Maria Messias da Silva, Universidade Federal do Acre

Mestre, Docente do Departamento de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Acre – (UFAC) – Rio Branco (AC), Brasil.

Adriana Marinho Pereira Dapont, Hospital do Câncer

Médica Especialista em Mastologia do Centro de Controle Oncológico do Estado do Acre (Cecon) Rio Branco (AC), Brasil e do Hospital do Câncer do Acre Rio Branco (AC), Brasil.

Rogério Henriques Netto, Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia

Médico Radiologista. Membro Titular do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia (CBR).

Lyvia Rodrigues da Silva, Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre

Médica Residente da Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre – Fundhacre , Rio Branco (AC), Brasil.

Camila da Silva Vieira Amorim, Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre

Médica Residente da Fundação Hospitalar do Estado do Acre – Fundhacre , Rio Branco (AC), Brasil.

Faiane Rodrigues de Sá, Universidade Federal do Acre

Internato Médico. Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) – Rio Branco (AC), Brasil.



How to Cite

Fernandes, D. A., Silva, S. M. M. da, Dapont, A. M. P., Henriques Netto, R., Silva, L. R. da, Amorim, C. da S. V., & Sá, F. R. de. (2010). Prevalence analysis of mammography examinations made in the public health system in the state of Acre, Amazon, Brazil, using BI-RADS® classification. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 20(2), 71–75. Retrieved from



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