Multiple bilateral fibroadenoma of the breast and axillary accessory breast

case report


  • Délio Marques Conde Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Larissa Cunha Morais Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Cristiane Fagundes Pacheco Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Rogério Bizinoto Ferreira Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Érika Pereira de Sousa-e-Silva Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Paulo Sérgio Peres Fonseca Hospital Materno Infantil
  • Sebastião Alves Pinto Hospital Materno Infantil


Fibroadenoma, Cytology, Ultrasonography, Mammography


This article has presented a rare case of multiple fibroadenomas of the breasts and axillary accessory breast. In the light of current knowledge, the most proper management is discussed. A 37-year-old woman was referred to our Breast Service due to complaint of a right axillary accessory breast nodule. On physical examination, there were no palpable breast nodules. Bilateral axillary accessory breast was observed with a right breast nodule and no alterations in the left breast. Mammography and ultrasonography demonstrated multiple bilateral breast nodules with benign characteristics and a possible malignancy in the right axillary nodule. The patient underwent a fine needle aspiration biopsy guided by ultrasonography of the largest nodule in each breast and of the nodule in the right axillary accessory breast. Cytologically, all nodules had benign characteristics. A diagnostic hypothesis of fibroadenoma was formulated. The patient underwent surgical removal of the right axillary nodule. The histopathological examination demonstrated fibroadenoma. Conservative management was chosen for the axillary accessory breasts and multiple breast fibroadenomas. At 11-month follow-up, there was neither recurrence of the right axillary nodule nor changes in the fibroadenomas. Conservative management of axillary accessory breast is possible. However, axillary accessory breast tissue may be affected by neoplasia. In cases of possible malignancy, the investigation should be carried out through the same clinical work-up used for normally-positioned breasts. In the presence of multiple bilateral fibroadenomas in the breasts, conservative management can be safely adopted.


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Author Biographies

Délio Marques Conde, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Mastologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Larissa Cunha Morais , Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Mastologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Cristiane Fagundes Pacheco, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Mastologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Rogério Bizinoto Ferreira, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Mastologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Érika Pereira de Sousa-e-Silva, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Mastologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Paulo Sérgio Peres Fonseca, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Patologia, Hospital Materno Infantil – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.

Sebastião Alves Pinto, Hospital Materno Infantil

Serviço de Patologia, Instituto Goiano de Oncologia e Hematologia (INGOH) – Goiânia (GO), Brasil.




How to Cite

Conde, D. M., Morais , L. C., Pacheco, C. F., Ferreira, R. B., Sousa-e-Silva, Érika P. de, Fonseca, P. S. P., & Pinto, S. A. (2017). Multiple bilateral fibroadenoma of the breast and axillary accessory breast: case report. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 27(1), 75–79. Retrieved from



Case Report