The premenstrual breast pain is associated with ovulatory cycles?
Ultrasonography, Doppler, Corpus luteum, Mastodynia, Menstrual cycle, OvulationAbstract
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the association between breast pain symptom with the presence of ovulatory cycles. Methods: The study was observational, prospective, and crosssectional. Eight five women (85), some of them (65) with premenstrual mastalgia symptoms (cyclic mastalgia), underwent a transvaginal ultrasound with color Doppler, in the 22th day of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase), for confirmation of ovulation (suggestive image of corpus luteum and secretory endometrium). Then, it was determined the arterial resistance indexes on corpus luteum periphery and on the contralateral ovary. As a reference, we used the arterial resistance index of Pourcelot (RI=S-D/S). Results: Indices of arterial resistance significantly lower were observed in the ovaries in which ovulation had occurred (the periphery of the corpus luteum), compared with the contralateral ovarian arteries. All women with symptoms of premenstrual mastalgia had ovulated, according to the research criteria. Conclusion: Symptoms of premenstrual breast pain may be associated with ovulatory cycles.