Clinic-pathologic association in differents immunophenotypes (receptor hormonal and Her-2 status) in invasive breast cancer


  • Darley de Lima Ferreira Filho Hospital Barão de Lucena
  • Guacyra M. Pires Hospital Barão de Lucena
  • Nancy Cristina Ferraz de Lucena Ferreira Hospital Barão de Lucena
  • Maria do Carmo Abreu e Lima Hospital Barão de Lucena
  • Ricardo Costa University of Pitisburgh


Breast neoplasms, Immunohistochemistry, Prognosis


Objectives: To associate the clinic-pathologic characteristics and clinical course of breast cancer patients, with different immunephenotypes (estrogen receptor – RE, progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor – Her-2 status). Material and Method: Two hundred and eleven women treated at the Mastology Service, Barão de Lucena Hospital, Recife (PE), from July 2009 to July 2010, were selected. They were separated into two groups according to the tumor immunophenotype: group 1 (highrisk): RE /RP /Her-2 ; RE /RP /Her-2 ; RE /RP /Her-2 ; and RE /RP /Her-2 , and group 2 (low-risk): RE /RP /Her-2 e RE /RP /Her-2 . Throughout the analysis was considered a significance level of 5%. Results: The predominant age range was 41 to 60 years old, representing 116 (55.2%) cases, with a mean age of 49.77. Ninety-one patients (51.7%) were Afro-descendants, and 85 (48.3%) were Hispanic-whites. One-hundred and twenty-two (57.9%) patients had mammographic lesions classified as BI-RADS® 4 and 72 (35.2%) as BI-RADS® 5. The most common histological subtype was invasive ductal carcinoma, which corresponded to 94.6% of the cases. The majority of patients (73.4%) had Stage I/II disease. Regarding lymph node involvement: 111 (52.1%) patients had no metastases; 51 (24.0%) had 1 to 3 positive nodes; 31 (15.3%) had 4 to 9 positive nodes and 18 (8.6%) had 10 or more positive nodes. Conservative surgery and mastectomy were performed in 105 (48.0%) and 81 (38.5%) patients, respectively. Thirty four (16.2%) patients had distant metastases, most commonly to bones. One-hundred and seven patients (51.3%) had tumors classified as group 1/high-risk immunophenotype and 104 (48.7%) as group 2/low-risk immunophenotype. Conclusion: Tumors classified as group 1/ high-risk immunophenotype were significantly associated with black and younger patients (≤40 years old), and more extensive lymph node involvement (≥10 positive nodes).


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Author Biographies

Darley de Lima Ferreira Filho, Hospital Barão de Lucena

Mestre em Patologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) – Recife (PE), Brasil; Chefe do Serviço de Mastologia do Hospital Barão de Lucena – Recife (PE), Brasil.

Guacyra M. Pires, Hospital Barão de Lucena

Mestre em Patologia pela UFPE – Recife (PE), Brasil; Oncologista Clínica do Centro Pernambucano de Oncologia – Recife (PE), Brasil.

Nancy Cristina Ferraz de Lucena Ferreira, Hospital Barão de Lucena

Supervisora da Residência Médica de Mastologia do Hospital Barão de Lucena –Recife (PE), Brasil.

Maria do Carmo Abreu e Lima, Hospital Barão de Lucena

Professora Associada do Departamento de Patologia da UFPE – Recife (PE), Brasil.

Ricardo Costa, University of Pitisburgh

Masters of Science in Clinical Research, University of Pitisburgh – Pensilvânia, Estados Unidos da América (EUA); American Boards of Medical Oncology (ABIM), Medical Oncology – Pensilvânia, EUA.



How to Cite

Ferreira Filho, D. de L., Pires, G. M., Ferreira, N. C. F. de L., Lima, M. do C. A. e, & Costa, R. (2011). Clinic-pathologic association in differents immunophenotypes (receptor hormonal and Her-2 status) in invasive breast cancer. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 21(4), 169–177. Retrieved from



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