Ocular metastasis after breast cancer


  • Sérgio Ferreira Juaçaba Hospital do Câncer do Ceará
  • Idelfonso Oliveira Chaves de Carvalho
  • Márcia Dallyane Santana Costa de Freitas Hospital do Câncer do Ceará
  • Antonio Fernando Melo Filho Hospital do Câncer do Ceará
  • Sionara Melo Figueiredo de Carvalho Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Joseni Dutra Gomes
  • Heloísa Oliveira Magalhães Hospital do Câncer do Ceará
  • Gláucia Mesquita Cordeiro Hospital do Câncer do Ceará


Breast neoplasms, Neoplasm metastasis, Central nervous system, Case reports, Eye neoplasms secondary


Metastatic breast cancer is uncommon to the eye and hard to be prognosticated. It is frequently associated to metastasis of the central nervous system (CNS). The most present symptom is the progressive loss of the visual perceptiveness. We presented a patient case with breast cancer confirmed by histopathological – invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) – initial stage T3N1M0 (EC III). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical mastectomy procedure were realized. The magnetic resonance carried out after the ache at the left ocular region showed image of the posterior superior fossa of the ipsilateral orbit. The immohistochemistry, after neurosurgical procedure, determined brain metastasis diagnosis, primary of the mamma. The patient remains stable and in positive process.


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Author Biographies

Sérgio Ferreira Juaçaba, Hospital do Câncer do Ceará

Diretor Executivo do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Idelfonso Oliveira Chaves de Carvalho

Ex-Residente do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Márcia Dallyane Santana Costa de Freitas, Hospital do Câncer do Ceará

Mastologista do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Antonio Fernando Melo Filho, Hospital do Câncer do Ceará

Mastologista do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Sionara Melo Figueiredo de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professora de Oncologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Joseni Dutra Gomes

 Ex-Residente do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Heloísa Oliveira Magalhães, Hospital do Câncer do Ceará

Residente do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.

Gláucia Mesquita Cordeiro, Hospital do Câncer do Ceará

Residente do Hospital do Câncer do Ceará – HCC – Fortaleza (CE), Brasil.



How to Cite

Juaçaba, S. F., Carvalho, I. O. C. de, Freitas, M. D. S. C. de, Melo Filho, A. F., Carvalho, S. M. F. de, Gomes, J. D., … Cordeiro, G. M. (2010). Ocular metastasis after breast cancer. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 20(3), 145–148. Retrieved from https://revistamastology.emnuvens.com.br/rbm/article/view/40



Case Report