Bilateral intraductal carcinoma in a 17-year-old boy with gynecomastia

case report


  • José Roberto Fígaro Caldeira Hospital Amaral Carvalho
  • Fernando Vequi Martins Hospital Amaral Carvalho
  • Ailton Joioso Hospital Amaral Carvalho
  • João Ricardo Auler Paloschi Hospital Amaral Carvalho
  • André Augusto Curty Romero Veloso Hospital Amaral Carvalho


Gynecomastia, Carcinoma intraductal noninfiltrating, Mastectomy, Breast, Case reports


Gynecomastia is a common breast change during adolescence, which is generally treated as an esthetic problem. Intraductal carcinoma is an abnormal proliferation of cells lining the ductal epithelium of the noninvasive, mammary gland, with potential to develop invasion. A case of a 17-year-old boy who was monitored for seven years for bilateral idiopathic pubertal gynecomastia was presented. He underwent an excision of bilateral mammary glands with pathological results of intraductal carcinoma of solid and cribriform types, low-grade, multifocal, with positive margins in both breasts. He was referred to Serviço de Mastologia from Hospital Amaral Carvalho, in Jaú, São Paulo, for further treatment, a bilateral mastectomy was performed, without adjuvant therapy. After 22 months, he was in follow-up without evidence of active disease. We concluded that intraductal carcinoma in men is a rare condition, especially when bilateral and associated with pubertal gynecomastia. Therefore, gynecomastia should not be underestimated, especially when spontaneous regression does not occur, making it is always necessary for the surgeon to send the excised mammary gland to the histological evaluation.


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Author Biographies

José Roberto Fígaro Caldeira, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Doutor em Ciências Biológicas em Genética de Câncer de Mama pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) – Botucatu; Diretor do Serviço de Mastologia do Hospital Amaral Carvalho – Jaú (SP), Brasil.

Fernando Vequi Martins, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Médico Residente do segundo ano em Mastologia do Hospital Amaral Carvalho – Jaú (SP), Brasil.

Ailton Joioso, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Médico Mastologista Preceptor da Residência Médica em Mastologia do Hospital Amaral Carvalho – Jaú (SP), Brasil.

João Ricardo Auler Paloschi, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Médico Mastologista do Hospital Amaral Carvalho – Jaú (SP), Brasil.

André Augusto Curty Romero Veloso, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Médico Residente do primeiro ano em Mastologia do Hospital Amaral Carvalho – Jaú (SP), Brasil.



How to Cite

Caldeira, J. R. F., Martins, F. V., Joioso, A., Paloschi, J. R. A., & Veloso, A. A. C. R. (2011). Bilateral intraductal carcinoma in a 17-year-old boy with gynecomastia: case report. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 21(3), 131–134. Retrieved from



Case Report