Immediate breast reconstruction after resection of pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia in a 13-year-old teenager


  • Analice Batista Soares Instituto Nacional de Câncer
  • Ricardo Cavalcante Queiroga Instituto Nacional de Câncer
  • Bernardo Rômulo Soares Instituto Nacional de Câncer
  • Ângela Maria Carvalho Maximiano Instituto Nacional de Câncer
  • Igor Felix Cardoso Instituto Nacional de Câncer
  • Paulo Roberto Leal Instituto Nacional de Câncer


Pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia, Adolescent, Breast reconstruction, Breast neoplasms


Pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia is benign breast pathology, characterized by abnormal proliferation of the mammary stroma. It was first described in 1986, and very few cases have so far been reviewed in the literature. We described the case of a 13-years-old teenager with a tumor extending to all quadrants, none lymph node was observed. Nuclear magnetic resonance showed an oval mass, smooth, categorized as BI-RADS® 3. She underwent to a core biopsy. The histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination revealed a pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia. The objective of this paper is to report a case of pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia managed by simple mastectomy and immediate reconstruction using expander. The pathological analyses confirmed the diagnoses of pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia. The exchange of the expander for the permanent breast implant occurred 12 months after mastectomy, as well as the manufacturing of complex areolopapilar. The patient is alive and without evidence of disease after 18 months of the diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Analice Batista Soares, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Residente do Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Ricardo Cavalcante Queiroga, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Residente do Serviço de Mastologia do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Bernardo Rômulo Soares, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Médico do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Ângela Maria Carvalho Maximiano, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Médica do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Igor Felix Cardoso, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Residente do Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Paulo Roberto Leal, Instituto Nacional de Câncer

Chefe do Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do INCA – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil



How to Cite

Soares, A. B., Queiroga, R. C., Soares, B. R., Maximiano, Ângela M. C., Cardoso, I. F., & Leal, P. R. (2011). Immediate breast reconstruction after resection of pseudoangiomatosa stromal hyperplasia in a 13-year-old teenager. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 21(3), 127–130. Retrieved from



Case Report