Surgical complications of conservative breast surgery by Clavien classification


  • Reitan Ribeiro Hospital Erasto Gaertner
  • Sergio Bruno Bonatto Hatschbach Hospital Erasto Gaertner
  • Michelle Christhine Diniz de Abreu Hospital Erasto Gaertner
  • Danila Pinheiro Hubie Hospital Erasto Gaertner
  • Fernanda Ampessan Guadagnin Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná


Breast neoplasms, Postoperative complications, Mastectomy segmental


Introduction: Due to the high mortality rate, breast cancer is one of the most studied neoplams in the world. Methods: This article is an epidemiological cross-sectional and retrospective analytical study aimed to evaluate the rate of surgical complications of breast conservative surgery and assess the severity of complications, using, for it, the classification of surgical complications of Clavien. We performed a data collection of physical and electronic medical records of patients with breast cancer or ductal lobular invasive, underwent breastconserving surgery, performed between January 2009 and December 2010 at the Hospital Erasto Gaertner. Results: We analyzed 298 cases of breast quadrantectomy. Of these, 117 were with sentinel lymph node resection and these complications were found in approximately 30% of patients, predominantly the 1st degree. With axillary dissection, were 181 surgeries, of which 86 had complications, complications predominant 2nd and 3rd degree. Conclusion: The Clavien-Dindo classification allows us to observe that there are fewer complications when patients are undergoing quadrantectomy with sentinel node compared with the axillary dissection.


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Author Biographies

Reitan Ribeiro, Hospital Erasto Gaertner

Cirurgião Oncológico e Chefe dos Residentes do Hospital Erasto Gaertner – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.

Sergio Bruno Bonatto Hatschbach, Hospital Erasto Gaertner

Chefe do Serviço de Mastologia do Hospital Erasto Gaertner – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.

Michelle Christhine Diniz de Abreu, Hospital Erasto Gaertner

Médica Residente de Mastologia do Hospital Erasto Gaertner – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.

Danila Pinheiro Hubie, Hospital Erasto Gaertner

Médica Residente de Mastologia do Hospital Erasto Gaertner – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.

Fernanda Ampessan Guadagnin, Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná

Acadêmica do Curso de Medicina da Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná – Curitiba (PR), Brasil.



How to Cite

Ribeiro, R., Hatschbach, S. B. B., Abreu, M. C. D. de, Hubie, D. P., & Guadagnin, F. A. (2012). Surgical complications of conservative breast surgery by Clavien classification. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 22(1), 21–24. Retrieved from



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