one-stage breast reconstruction with implants in previously irradiated patients


  • Cicero Urban Universidade Positivo
  • Denise Blaszkowsk Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças
  • Jeane Lima e Silva Silva Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças
  • Thaisa Maia Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças
  • Eduardo Schünemann Jr Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Rubens Lima Universidade Federal do Paraná


Breast cancer, Radiotherapy, Breast reconstruction


After a breast conserving treatment for breast cancer, the use of implants is controversial due to radio- therapy damaging effects on soft tissues. A large risk of implant loss; high rates of wound complications; and capsular contracture when radiotherapy is associated with breast reconstruction were reported in a previous series. This study reports three cases of one-stage breast reconstruction in patients that had previously undergone a quadrantectomy followed by radiotherapy, and presented local recurrence. All of them were submitted to skin-sparing mastectomy followed by immediate reconstruction with the anatomic implant Allergan Style 410. After an average follow-up of 16 months, no evidence of capsular contracture was noticed, the aesthetic results were good and stable, and the patients did not present with early or late complications.


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Author Biographies

Cicero Urban, Universidade Positivo

Medical and Dentistry School of Universidade Positivo (UP); Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Denise Blaszkowsk, Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças

Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Jeane Lima e Silva Silva, Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças

Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Thaisa Maia, Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças

Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças – Curitiba (PR), Brazi

Eduardo Schünemann Jr, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças; Medical School at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Rubens Lima, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Breast Unit at Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças; Medical School at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.



How to Cite

Urban, C., Blaszkowsk, D., Silva, J. L. e S., Maia, T., Schünemann Jr, E., & Lima, R. (2010). one-stage breast reconstruction with implants in previously irradiated patients. Revista Brasileira De Mastologia, 20(4), 183–186. Retrieved from



Case Report