

Molecular biology, breast cancer, neoplasm metastasis


Bone is the most frequent site for breast cancer metastasis. Identifying the possible preference of bone metastasis, such as long or short bones, according to molecular subtypes, could alter oncologists approach, paying special attention to these particular group of patients reducing the side effects of the bone metastatic process, involving multidisciplinary team with orthopedists, minimizing possible sequelae of this metastatic process. Detecting different metastatic sites to long or short bones, according to the molecular subtypes and their possible correlation. Fifty-eight patients with only bone metastasis were chosen. The study material was obtained from paraffin embedded primary tumors. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out. The luminal A, luminal B, hybrid luminal, HER2 + and triple-negative / basal-like molecular subtypes were identified. The molecular subtypes compared to the age of bone implants, the distribution of bone implants, and the disease free interval were not statistically significant.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Roberto de Andrade Figaro Caldeira, Universidade São Francisco

Department of Surgical Clinic, Universidade São Francisco

Carlos Augusto Real Martinez, Universidade São Francisco

Department of Surgical Clinic, Universidade São Francisco

José Roberto Fígaro Caldeira, Hospital Amaral Carvalho

Department of Mastology, Hospital Amaral Carvalho


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How to Cite

Caldeira, P. R. de A. F., Martinez, C. A. R., & Caldeira, J. R. F. (2019). EVALUATION OF BONE METASTASIS OF BREAST CANCER TO LONG OR SHORT BONES, ACCORDING TO MOLECULAR SUBTYPES: RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Mastology, 29(1), 32–36. Retrieved from https://revistamastology.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/573



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