Foreign body in the breast

multiple sewing needles



Breast, mammography, foreign bodies, needles


Needles embedded in the breast are an unusual situation. It is reported the possibility of developing an abscess and the risk of migration of the needles. We report the case of a 38 year old woman with approximately 25 needles inserted in her breasts, bilaterally. According to the patient, the insertion occurred during the episode of a recent physical aggression; however, the hypothesis of self-mutilation could not be ruled out. She also referred the withdrawal of some needles at home and tried a surgical resection of others. Physical examination of the breasts revealed bilateral bruising, located in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast and diffusely in the right breast. Ultrasound examination showed needles in both breasts, associated with a hyperechoic area between 5 and 6h of the right breast, corresponding to palpable clinical area. An X-ray and chest tomography also revealed the presence of several needles in the breasts. At mammography, multiple intra-mammary needles and lymph nodes were diffusely distributed through the parenchyma, bilaterally. After discussing with the patient about the diagnosis and therapeutic options, we opted for clinical follow-up. Currently, the patient has moderate acyclic mastalgia, and is on clinical follow-up for 55 months.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Ribeiro Soares, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, Program of Mastology, Universidade Federal de Goiás


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How to Cite

Soares, L. R., Moura-Filho, J. W. C., Alves, K. L., Paulinelli, R. R., & Freitas-Junior, R. (2018). Foreign body in the breast: multiple sewing needles. Mastology, 28(4), 239–240. Retrieved from



Case Reports