Synchronic presentation of breast ductal carcinoma and follicular lymphoma

a diagnostic challenge



Lymphoma, Neoplasms, multiple primary, Breast neoplasms


Synchronic tumors are rare events, even more clinically presenting as a rational metastatic sequence: breast cancer followed by axillary lymph node involvement. In the present case, after mastectomy associated with axillary emptying in a postmenopausal patient, we identified in the pathological report the presence of breast disease: invasive ductal carcinoma. However, differently from what was expected by the clinical examination, axillary lymph node involvement was not due to a disease of mammary origin, but to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — a new primary. In the world literature, there are few similar reports, and it is still necessary to accumulate similar cases to be able to hypothesize a single causality between these two tumor subtypes or cause-consequence relationship between the two entities.


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Biografia do Autor

Priscila Nunes Silva Morosini, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon)

Department of Mastology, Hospital São Vicente, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon) – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Murilo do Valle Sabóia, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon)

Department of Mastology, Hospital São Vicente, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon) – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Tereza Cavalcanti, NeoPath Diagnostic Pathology

Department of Pathology, NeoPath Diagnostic Pathology – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Ágata Rothert, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon)

Department of Mastology, Hospital São Vicente, High Complexity Assistance Unit (Unacon) – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.

Marcela Cavalcanti, NeoPath Diagnostic Pathology

Department of Pathology, NeoPath Diagnostic Pathology – Curitiba (PR), Brazil.


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Como Citar

Morosini, P. N. S., Sabóia, M. do V., Cavalcanti, T., Rothert, Ágata, & Cavalcanti, M. (2020). Synchronic presentation of breast ductal carcinoma and follicular lymphoma: a diagnostic challenge. Mastology, 30, 1–3. Recuperado de



Case Reports